St. Mary's Episcopal Church

301 Dennison Street, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443

The Very Reverend Father Ronald S. Okrasinski, PHD - Rector

Bonnie Trahan, Choir Director * James Edwards, Organist


Sunday, February 13 - Holy Eucharist - 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.

Fr. Ron Okrasinski

Lay Eucharist Minister:
8:00 Kathy Morgan
10:30 Dave Colby

8:00 Sue Desmond
10:30 Maureen Buhler, Clyde Hunt

Element Bearers:
8:00 Tim Burgess, Kathy Greenlaw
10:30 Jane Grant, Claudette Okrasinski

Tyler Swope



8:00 Kathy Greenlaw
10:30 Kathy Waltewrmire

Prayers of the People:
8:00 Sue Desmond
10:30 Maureen Buhler

Kim Cannaday

Lent - no flowers

Altar Guild:
Sue Desmond

The Readings:
Lent I - February 13

Psalm 51: 1 - 13 (p. 656)
Genesis 2 : 4b - 9, 15 - 17
Romans 5 : 12 - 21

Matthew 4: 1 - 11

Prayers of the People - Special Prayers

Junior Warden: Sue Desmond * Sr. Warden: Clyde Hunt


Monday February 14 - ECW Meeting - 10:00am social - 10:30 am meeting

Wednasday, February 16 - Holy Eucharist 10:30 am

Thursday February 17 - Lenten Book Discussion - 7:00 pm

Saturday February 19 - Vestry Retreat at Stratford Hall ***************************************************************

We have lots of open dates for Coffee Hour (Febr. - Mar.) and Altar Guild (Febr. - Mar.) *************************************************************************

St.Mary's Food Pantry is currently well-stocked, thanks to you! ********************************************************************

Music From St. Mary's
Forty One Best Loved Hymns with Descants

Clyde Hunt, Trumpet * James Edwards, Organist

Hymnal 1982 according to Episcopal Use.


Index of First Lines with hymn tune title

A mighty fortress is our God * Ein Feste Burg #688
Abide with me * Eventide #662
All creatures of our God and King * Lasst uns erfreuen #400
All praise to you O Lord * Carlisle #138
Alone Thou goest forth O Lord * Bangor #164
Amazing Grace how sweet the sound * New Britain #671
As those of old their first fruits brought * Forest Green #705
Away in a manger (second tune) * Cradle Song #101
Come Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove * St. Agnes #510
Come Ye faithful, raise the strain of triumphant gladness * St. Kevin #199
Dear Lord and Father of mankind * Rest #652
Fairest Lord Jesus, ruler of all nature * St. Elizabeth #383
Glorious things of Thee are spoken * Austria #522
God my King thy might confessing * Stuttgart #414
Hail thee, festival day! * Salve Festa Deis #175, #225
Holy Holy Holy * Nicaea #362
I sing the almighty power of God * Forest Green #398
In the bleak mid-winter * Cranham #112
Let Saints on earth in concert sing * Dundee #526
Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim * Crucifer #473
Lord dismiss us with thy blessing * Sicilian Mariners #344
Lully, Lullay, thou little tiny child * Coventry Carol # 247
Morning has broken * Bunessan #8
My faith looks up to thee * Olivet #691
Now Holy Spirit ever one * Wareham #20
Now the green blade riseth * Noel Nouvelet # 224
O for a thousand tongues to sing * Azmon #493
O God of Bethel, by whose hand thy people still are fed * Dundee #709
O little town of Bethlehem (second tune) * Forest Green #78
O Master let me walk with thee * Maryton # 660
O sacred head sore wounded * Hertzlich tut mich verlangen # 168
O very God of very God * Bangor #672
O worship the King * Hanover #388
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry * Winchester New #76
Once in royal David's city * Irby #102
Onward Christian Soldiers * St. Gertrude #562
Savior, like a shepherd lead us * Sicilian Mariners #708
Silent Night * Stille Nacht #111
Stand up, stand up for Jesus * Morning Light #561
Teach me my God and King * Carlisle #592
The Church's one foundation * Aurelia #525
The duteous day now closeth *O Welt, Ich muss Dich lassen # 46
The People who in darkness walked * Dundee #126
'Tis the gift to be simple * Sinple Gifts #554
We plow the fields and scatter * Wir Pflugen #291
We sing of God, the mighty source of all things * Cornwall #386
We three Kings of orient are * Three Kings of Orient #128
What star is this with beams so bright * Puer Nobis #124
Ye watchers and ye holy ones * Lasst uns erfreuen #618 The beautiful Moller tracker organ has provided St. Mary's Church, the oldest original church in Colonial Beach, VA, with musical inspiration and sound since the 1940's. Built in 1904, the organ was in service at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in Washington, D.C. prior to being moved to Colonial Beach.

A tracker organ operates mechanically, with a strip of wood connecting each key to its corresponding valve in the wind- chest. A strip or track of wood, called the slider, is bored with a number of holes while a stationary toe board also has corresponding holes. These holes, when aligned with the holes at the windchest, allow the air to pass through and cause the pipe to resonate.

According to our present organist, Mr. James Edwards, (the organist on this recording), it is a physically daunting task to play the instrument since there are no electronic relays nor devices of any kind to assist the performer! Mr. Edwards has been the organist since 1981.

The release of this recording coincides with the 90th anniver sary of St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Colonial Beach, VA. Father Ronald S. Okrasinski is the Rector.

From the church archives

click to view/Listen

Christmas Eve Mass at St.Mary's Episcopal Church

1. The ringing of St. Mary's Church Bell - Adeste Fidelis
2. The placing of the infant Jesus in the Cresche * Collect
3. Hark the herald angels sing!
4. Acclamation * Collect for purity * Glory to God
5. Silent Night - Ben Trahan, viola; Rebecca Hunt, guitar
6. Gradual: Psalm 96 * Sing to the Lord a new song
7. Go tell it on the mountain
8. Christmas Homily - Father Ron
9. Confession of sin * Peace of the Lord be with you
10. Angels we have heard on high
11. The Great Thanksgiving * Holy Holy Holy
12. Memorial Acclamation * the mystery of faith * Great Amen
13. The Lord's Prayer - sung by the congregation
14. The Breaking of the Bread * Aye Carol * Oh little town
of Bethlehem * Silent Night * What child is this?
15. Post Communion Prayer * The Blessing
16. Joy to the world * The Dismissal

The Rev. Father Ronald S. Okrasinski - Rector
James Edwards, Organist
Sanctuary Choir * Bonnie Trahan, soprano
Ben Trahan, viola ; Becky Hunt, guitar ; Clyde Hunt, Tpt.

A wonderful gift for shut-ins!
Compact Disc, 56 min :46 sec. = $9.95


  • ALLELUIA click to view/Listen a one movement piece of 121 measures for B-Flat trumpet and organ. May be performed on the piccolo trumpet. Range: D1 to G3. Grade V

  • FANFARE & PROCESSIONclick to view/listen Trumpet and organ. (specify Bb or C trumpet) A highly accessible, Sunday morning processional for any festive occassion. Grade IV - range to C3.

  • PRAISE HIM WITH THE SOUND OF THE TRUMPET - Volumes I & II click to view/listen Descants for Forty Famous Hymns - the descants are designed to be played with the Organists hymnal (not included).

  • THE LORD'S PRAYERclick to viewAvailable for Voice and Organ, and Trumpet and organ. Hunt's inspired setting of the Lord's Prayer.

  • A WEDDING PROCESSIONALclick to view/listen A FANFARE and MARCH - For trumpet in D and organ. Also works well for the Picc. in A

  • A WEDDING PRAYER click to view/listen B-flat trumpet and organ. A beautiful, bel canto, romantische composition for any occasion.

  • A WEDDING RECESSIONAL click to view/listen A "new" Baroque Voluntary for two D Trumpets and Organ. A fine recital piece - playable by two good college level players. An String Orchestra accompaniment for the Recessional is also available.


    • AMAZING GRACE click to view

      1 - E-flat trumpet
      4 - B-flat trumpets
      2 - B-flat slide trumpets
      4 - B-flat flugels
      1 - B-flat Bass Trumpet

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