Hunt Plays/Teachs Arban - Introduction - Pedal Tones
Alta Vista Translation
The Arban exercises and Fourteen Characteristic Studies may well be the most famous method for Cornet and Trumpet, of all time. It is a must have for brass teachers and all former and present students of the cornet or trumpet.
Consists of two CD'S - HUNT Teaches ARBAN - Parts I and II and HUNT plays ARBAN - Parts III, IV, & V NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
- CD number 1 - Part I - Hunt has recorded some or all of 140 plus exercises from this famous old 19th century text. He also offers suggestions for achieving a correct performance.
- CD number 1 - PART II - Hunt has reconstructed and recorded 15 different exercises so that they require at least an octave greater range than did the originals. This serves to overcome one of the shortcomings of the Arban Book - too little range required.
- CD number 2 - PART III - The Fourteen Characteristic Studies.
- CD number 2 - PART IV - Hunt has recorded 22 of the Duets-With-You
- CD number 2 - PART V - Tonguing as applied to the Trumpet (All are recorded)
"While his technical skills, including a solid tone in all registers, clean articulation, constantly good intonation, marvelous flexibility, virtuosic fluency, and tastefully employed vibrato, are well up to the technical demands of these etudes, what makes these performances very special is the musical maturity of these musically stimulating that this reviewer is motivated to once again practice these etudes....inspiring, to say the least".
Jerry Makeever from the Journal of the International Trumpet Guild
Two CD's: $29.95 + $4.00 Ship & Handle