Ron Hockett, clarinet and alto sax * Al Seibert, Tenor Sax * Clyde Hunt, trumpet * John Jensen, trombone * Al Siebert and Harry Allen,tenor sax * Larry Eanet, piano * Terry Benton, string bass * Steve Jordan, acoustic rhythm guitar * Tam Sullivan and Steve Abshire, Guitar * Brooks Tegler, leader, drums, and vocals.
Meddle My Minor * Overtime * The Best Man * Payin' Them Dues * Swing That Music * Bloozy Woozy * Hank's Pranks * Peanut Vendor * Swedish Schnapps * Coronation Hop * Infantry Blues * Midget * Capital Idea * Showcase * Cutie Pie * This Will Make You Laugh * If You're So Smart, How Come You Ain't Rich?.
CIRCLE RECORDS: CD-120 available only in CD = $14.95