for Beginning Trumpet and Cornet

Is a Call & Response, follow-the-leader, audio recording and text which enables the beginning trumpeter to determine whether or not he is playing the correct tone. The instructor continually reminds the neophyte, regarding essential matters, as they play together. "The next best thing to having a competent teacher at your side!" Developed especially for the public school trumpet student who does not have access to a private tutor. It is equally effective with adult beginners as a "home-teaching" tutor.
Preface - To The Teacher
One of the great problems confronting the beginning trumpeter, when he leaves his teacher and goes home to practice, is that of knowing whether or not he is playing the correct tone, according to the written note. With the GRIFTON SCHOOL AUDIO TEACHER, much insecurity and bewilderment is eliminated.
The GRIFTON SCHOOL AUDIO TEACHER is a programmed, graduated tutor which enables the child to read and play instantly. Fingering, note names, breathing, tonguing, and other fundamental techniques are stressed when appropriate. Crutches, such as fingerings and written note names, are gradually deleted so that the student should not become dependent upon them.
- A. Develop an appropriate concept of sound.
- B. Place a teacher at the students side during the practice sessions, to offer reminders, admonish, and encourage.
- C. Develop an organized practice routine.
- D. Help to keep the student from being distracted.
- E. Simultaneously develop counting, reading, and rhythm skills.
- F. Greatly increase the probability of daily practice.
- G. Enable the parents to become more involved with the development of the child.
- H. Eliminate much of the students frustration, guess-work, and insecurity, by providing immediate feedback regarding her efforts.
- I. Insure an adequate amount of REST - a factor all-to-often ignored in elementary school band music!
The teacher should become quite familiar with the GRIFTON AUDIO RECORDING before issuing it to the students. Furthermore, you should play the CD for the students during the FIRST lesson, in order to be certain that each student understands the methodology. It will be beneficial to your students if you reinforce the terminology used in the recording.
Typically, the teacher will find that the first lesson can be mastered during the first week, while two weeks should be sufficient for LESSONS TWO and THREE. LESSON FOUR should be used as a warm-up routine, DAILY, and before each lesson! Assignments should be made concurrently in a conventional method book of your choice - after LESSON ONE has been mastered.Four Lesson Exercise Booklet and 50 minute CD recording = $15.95 CD
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